Planning for higher studies? An education loan will help you

  • Education is a vital part of your life, and it helps to live a well -settled and confident life. Today, there are numerous talents with flourishing scorecards, and they opt for a doctorate, engineering, aviation, management studies, masters or other professional courses. Several courses and top-notch universities/institutes have given millennial a scope to carve for a strong and better future. Amongst the aspirants, some belong to well to do families, while others belong to normal middle-class families who often struggle hard to manage funds against the ever-rising inflation. It has become a major barrier for your future growth. If your child has put in all the hard work to achieve the desired number to get admission in their dream university, and if the financial crunch holds them back, it would be a major setback in his or her life.

  • But, if you're planning to sell your jewellery or mortgage your property to fulfil your child's educational dreams, then keep it on hold and opt for Education Loan India. Today, many government banks and leading private finance companies are trying to make the study loan process quite easy with attractive interest rates and flexible repayment options, so that maximum aspirants come under the umbrella and start pursuing their dream course.
  • Best Education Loan

  • Satish after completing his graduation wanted to pursue computer engineering from one of the premier university in India. The course profile not only required an impressive CAT score and a huge sum. Since his father was a tailor in the profession, he wanted his father to be burden free to arrange money for his further studies.

  • So, he decided to opt for EducationLoan for Study in India, which his friend's father working in the private firm suggested him. He guided him with the loan procedure, and some basic requirement to determine the loan eligibility. He did a thorough research online on the education loan India, as there are numerous lenders in the market.

  • After checking the interest rates, processing fee, loan disbursal procedure and turnaround time, he picked up a reliable RBI authorized private lender, and got the loan sanctioned in mere 24 hours. To his surprise, because of his academic excellence, he got an education loan of around Rs 50 lakhs approved with no security to pledge for. Private lenders help you get customized solutions as per your financial requirements and needs. The education loan India covered his tuition fees, exam fees, lab and library fees, caution deposit, travel, books and equipment, projects, thesis work, and educational tours.

  • He applied online for education loan India after getting the admission at his dream engineering college in India. As soon as he provided the documents to the financial institutions and all other formalities were completed, the lenders sanctioned and disbursed the loan amount to the institute in 6-7 working days. He received the best education loan India interest rate because of his strong academic records, and good credit history of the co-borrowers.

  • Just like Satish, you can self-independently fund your higher education, and set your parents free from the financial burden. Education loan India from non-banking finance companies has helped millions to be self-dependent, and accomplish their dream with no hassles!


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